text2pcap Help |
Text2pcap 1.0.7
Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets.
See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
Usage: text2pcap [options] <input-filename> <output-filename>
where <input-filename> specifies input filename (use - for standard input)
<output-filename> specifies output filename (use - for standard output)
-o hex|oct|dec parse offsets as (h)ex, (o)ctal or (d)ecimal, default is hex
-t <timefmt> treats the text before the packet as a date/time code;
the specified argument is a format string of the sort
supported by strptime.
Example: The time "10:15:14.5476" has the format code
NOTE: The subsecond component delimiter must be given
(.) but no pattern is required; the remaining number
is assumed to be fractions of a second.
NOTE: Date/time fields from the current date/time are
used as the default for unspecified fields.
-l <typenum> link-layer type number. Default is 1 (Ethernet).
See the file net/bpf.h for list of numbers.
-m <max-packet> max packet length in output, default is 64000
Prepend dummy header:
-e <l3pid> prepend dummy Ethernet II header with specified L3PID
(in HEX)
Example: -e 0x800
-i <proto> prepend dummy IP header with specified IP protocol
Automatically prepends Ethernet header as well.
Example: -i 46
-u <srcp>,<destp> prepend dummy UDP header with specified
dest and source ports (in DECIMAL).
Automatically prepends Ethernet & IP headers as well
Example: -u 30,40
-T <srcp>,<destp> prepend dummy TCP header with specified
dest and source ports (in DECIMAL).
Automatically prepends Ethernet & IP headers as well
Example: -T 50,60
-s <srcp>,<dstp>,<tag> prepend dummy SCTP header with specified
dest/source ports and verification tag (in DECIMAL).
Automatically prepends Ethernet & IP headers as well
Example: -s 30,40,34
-S <srcp>,<dstp>,<ppi> prepend dummy SCTP header with specified
dest/source ports and verification tag 0.
It also prepends a dummy SCTP DATA
chunk header with payload protocol identifier ppi.
Example: -S 30,40,34
-h display this help and exit
-d detailed debug of parser states
-q generate no output at all (automatically turns off -d)