Cisco TCL Tips
Cisco TCL tips and tricks
And here for Starting:
the "Hello World" sample
	evil-router(tcl)#puts "Hello World\n"
	Hello World
Or put the following Line in a File on Your TFTP Server with the filename "HelloWorld.tcl"
	puts "hello world";
and execute the tclsh on your Router.
evil-router#tclsh tftp://

Loading HelloWorld.tcl from (via FastEthernet0): !
[OK - 23 bytes]
hello world

 Cisco TCL Infos (PDF)

TCL Script Installation

download the file YOURSCRIP.tcl into flash:YOURSCRIPT.tcl
configure a alias: alias exec YOURSCRIPT tclsh flash:YOURSCRIPT.tcl
execute with: YOURSCRIPT [option1] [option2]
Or you place all the scripts on an central TFTP Server, then you can create a alias to the TFTP Server. Each time
you execute the script, it's donwloadet from the tftp server
configure a alias: alias exec YOURSCRIPT tclsh tftp:TFTP_IP_ADDRESSE/YOURSCRIPT.tcl
Very good for development,
 evil-router#copy tftp:// flash:cnc.tcl
 Destination filename [cnc.tcl]?
 Accessing tftp://
 Loading tcl/cnc.tcl from (via FastEthernet0): !!
 [OK - 9300 bytes]
 9300 bytes copied in 0.256 secs (36328 bytes/sec)
 evil-router#conf t
 Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

 evil-router(config)#alias exec cnc tclsh flash:cnc.tcl
 evil-router#sh alias
 Exec mode aliases:
   p                     ping
   r                     resume
   s                     show
   w                     where
   scanip                tclsh flash:scanip.tcl
   cnc                   tclsh flash:cnc.tcl
 evil-router#cnc -v
 cnc.tcl version 0.08
 (c) 2008 / 05.10 2008

ANSI Color Output
If you try to generate ansi escape sequences, you can use "term intern" on exec level
For example, to clear the screen and display red heading text, use the following commands:  
	exec terminal international;
	puts "\033\[2

J\033\[H\033\[1;31mHeader text\033\[m"
Other Example:
	proc fahne { } {
	exec "terminal international"
	puts "\033\[2J"
	puts "\033\[0;0H"
	puts "\033\[0m |##########"
	puts "\033\[0m |#########"
	puts "\033\[0m |\033\[31m########"
	puts "\033\[0m |\033\[31m########"
	puts "\033\[0m |\033\[33m#########"
	puts "\033\[0m |\033\[33m##########"
	puts "\033\[0m |"
	puts "\033\[0m |"
	puts "\033\[0m |"
	puts "\033\[0m\n\n\033\[32m Yepp \033\[0m"
Sample Output
For example, to clear the screen and display red heading text, use the following commands:  
	exec terminal international;
	puts "\033\[2J\033\[H\033\[1;31mHeader text\033\[m"

SNMP with Tcl
SNMP with Tcl
for the following sample, your SNMP RO Community must be "public"
	snmp-server community public ro
the following script prints the router uptime.
	# Simple Tcl script to print system uptime
	set value [snmp_getone test system.3.0]
	regexp {oid='(.*)'.*val='(.*)'} $value ignore oid result
	set result [expr $result / 100]
	puts "Router uptime is $result seconds"

ios_config + exec
With ios_config, you can execute ios command direct.
exec command to execute an exec-level command, for example exec "show ip route"
ios_config mode command to configure the router
	ios_config "interface fastethernet 2" "description Uplink2ISP" "duplex full"
configure the interface fastethernet with a desrition an FullDuplex

Tclsh command line parameters
Tclsh command line parameters
Every word you enter after the file name in the tclsh command line is passed as a parameter to the Tcl code you execute. To get these parameters in Tcl, use Tcl commands similar to the code below:
	# loop.tcl: changes loopback state
	# syntax: tclsh loop.tcl ifnum state
	set ifnum [lindex $argv 0] # first parameter after file name
	set ifstate [lindex $argv 1] # second parameter after file name
	if {[string equal $ifstate ""]} {
	return -code error "Syntax: loop.tcl ifnum ifstate"
	... rest of procedure .;

Insert responses to command prompts in Tclsh
Insert responses to command prompts in Tclsh
	typeahead "y"
	exec "clear counter dialer 0";
Other Typeahead Samples
use "\n" for submit
	typeahead "test dsp\n"
	typeahead "set auto_recovery none\n"
	typeahead "set auto_recovery tdm\n"
	typeahead "stop dsp 1 2 3 1\n"
	typeahead "stop dsp 1 2 3 2\n"
	typeahead "sh pool\n"
	typeahead "q\n"

(c) 2008 by / last update: 05.10.2008