Cisco SNMP Security
If SNMP is enabled, some baisc security must be done!
See Config Samples.


NEVER use community strings like "public","private","cisco","router","secret",.....
because, most SNMP-Bruteforcer try this words.
Not allow RW, unless you are using it.

SNMP Reboot
If you think, it's a good idea, to allow to reboot the router via SNMP, you must make following configs
	snmp-server community private RW    
	snmp-server system-shutdown
And for Testing
	snmpset -c private -v 2c . i 2

SNMP Config Sample
Simple One
	! simple one
	snmp-server location at_a_secret_place
	snmp-server contact haxor
	snmp-server community public RO
	snmp-server community private RW
	logging snmp-authfail
Advanced One
	! advanced one
	snmp-server location at_a_secret_place
	snmp-server contact haxor
	! protect with Accesslist 
	snmp-server community public RO 5
	snmp-server community private RW 6
	! log wrong SNMP Communtitys
	logging snmp-authfail 
	! access-list for RO
	access-list 5 permit
	access-list 5 permit
	! access-list for RW
	access-list 6 permit
Advanced One with a view "cuteview"
	! advanced one with a view
	snmp-server location at_a_secret_place
	snmp-server contact haxor
	! view cutview
	snmp-server view cutdown internet included
	snmp-server view cutdown ciscoFlashFiles excluded
	! protect with Accesslist 
	snmp-server community public view cutdown RO 5
	snmp-server community private view cutdown RW 6
	! log wrong SNMP Communtitys
	logging snmp-authfail 
	! access-list for RO
	access-list 5 permit
	access-list 5 permit
	! access-list for RW
	access-list 6 permit

If "logging snmp-authfail" is enabled, you see following , if the log files, if the Community is wrong. (See Advanced One with a view "cuteview")
	Oct 27 20:18:43.254 UTC: %SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL: Authentication failure for SNMP request from host
And if you have a "access-list" , and you send SNMP request with the wrong Community you see the same:
	Oct 27 20:18:43.254 UTC: %SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL: Authentication failure for SNMP request from host
Only if you have the permited IP from the access-list and the correct Community, then the ACL match.
The ACL is matching after the Authentication is checkt.

(c) 2008 by / last update: 25.10.2008