Cisco Hostname

The Cisco Command for setting teh hostname is very easy
 evil-router#conf t
 Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
 evil-router(config)#hostname my_new_routername  
You see it on the Promt on the CLI and on the Webserver (ip http server)
But what happens, if we change the Name to one with HTML Tags or more advanced start a script.
 hostname <SCRIPT>alert("Hello_Cisco")</SCRIPT>
and here the complet config session:
 evil-router#conf t
 Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
 evil-router(config)#hostname <SCRIPT>alert("Hello_Cisco")</SCRIPT>  
 % Hostname contains one or more illegal characters. 
and the Output on the webbrowser
This is stange, because the message from the router see's, that they knows, that there are illegal characters

% Hostname contains one or more illegal characters.

Currently there are some problems, to enter a "SPACE" Character.
i am looking for a solution. send me your ideas.
On the newest IOS 124-20.T it is fiexd on my cisco 1803

(c) 2008 by / last update: 21.10.2008